
Zypern und Türkei stoppen Waffenlieferungen an Syrien

Die Türkei und Zypern haben in zwei voneinander unabhängigen Aktionen Waffen- und Munitionslieferungen an Syrien unterbunden. Das Militärmaterial stammte aus Russland und dem Iran.


Fokus Grenzgebiet: Flüchtlinge und Militärfahrzeuge an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze (Archiv).

Bild: Keystone

Damaskus. – Türkische Zöllner stoppten laut Regierungsangaben vier iranische Lastwagen wegen Verdachts auf eine Lieferung von Militärmaterial nach Syrien. Die Fahrzeuge und deren Ladung würden nun in Ankara von Experten untersucht, bestätigte ein Sprecher des türkischen Aussenministeriums am Mittwoch.

Türkische Medien berichteten über Hinweise, wonach sich in den am türkisch-syrischen Grenzübergang Öncüpinar beschlagnahmten Lastwagen Sprengstoff und Waffen befinden. Wegen der andauernden Gewalt des Regimes in Damaskus gegen die Opposition duldet die Türkei keine Waffenlieferung nach Syrien mehr. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Cyprus: The Danger of Deportation of Iranian Refugee Hadi Jahednorouzi

Limassol 23 November 2011 – On the 14th of November 2011, we were informed by Mr. Jahednorouzi himself that he had been given until 14 November 2011 to collect his things and prepare to be deported at 22:00 on a flight via Damascus to Iran. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

ICRIR: Iranian Activists in Cyprus Appeal for International Support to Stop the Illegal Deportation of Opposition Activist Hadi Jahednorouzi

Philadelphia -— Masoud Khaghani and Maryam Aramesh, asylum-seekers in Cyprus, appeared in a special episode of the Iranian television program Nahade Mardomi as part of an urgent effort to stop the illegal deportation by the Cyprus government of a known Iranian political opposition activist.

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No One Should Be Able To Say „we did not know“!

Please copy the dark brown text and add your signature at the bottom and send it to the list in blue.

Many thanks to Jullitte Gillbert.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We at Mission Free Iran/ICRIR have received confirmation that The European Court of Human Rights has received the official complaint that was lodged on behalf of the case of Iranian asylum seeker in Cyprus Mr Hadi Jahednorouzi’s refugee case (ARC: 5395940)

The wheelchair bound anti Iranian Regime activist seeking Refugee status in Cyprus, who is on the verge of imminent and illegal deportation by the government of Cyprus today.

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URGENT: Wheelchair-Bound Anti-Regime Activist Hadi Jahednorouzi at Imminent Risk of Illegal Deportation to Iran by the Cyprus Government | Letter-Writing Action Included

Hadi Jahednorouzi (ARC: 5395940) is an Iranian asylum-seeker at imminent risk of illegal deportation to Iran by the government of Cyprus. He was arrested three times in Iran in connection with his political activities, including the reproduction and dissemination of anti-regime literature. Not only was Hadi and his family incessantly persecuted in Iran, but when Hadi escaped from Iran, he began participating in anti-Islamic Republic activities, including protest actions as a member of the Iranian National Front and the Cyprus Refugee Rights Movement. Key documents in Hadi’s case were refused admittance into the record by Cypriot authorities, and his rejection decision was implemented without having all available evidence at hand. Hadi was told that he would be deported on Tuesday 23 August. Urgent assistance is needed to stop Hadi’s deportation. Please urgently participate in this letter-writing action yourself, and encourage others to participate.

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Tuesdays of Solidarity: Together for Freedom of Political Prisoners in Iran until the Fall of the Regime

Mission Free Iran is opening a campaign called „Tuesdays of Solidarity: Together for Freedom of Political Prisoners in Iran until the Fall of the Regime.“ Tuesday is the day of the week when families, friends, and loved ones gather outside of the regime’s prisons to wait for the chance to see their imprisoned beloved. We will mark each and every Tuesday from now until the fall of the Islamic Republic regime with activism and acts of solidarity in support of political prisoners in Iran. The campaign’s opening call appears below.

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Chypre : Protection des demandeurs d’asile victimes et témoins des violences policières

Le mardi 12 juillet 2011, environs 35 officiers de police et autres membres des autorités chypriotes ont violemment attaqué un groupe d’Iraniens et d’autres réfugiés au camp de rétention de Larnaca, lieu de détention pour des questions liées à l’immigration (comme par exemple des visas périmés).

Lors de l’attaque, les autorités chypriotes ont menacé les réfugiés avec des armes de poing. Ils ont utilisé des matraques et des poings américains pour battre les réfugiés, y compris un vieux demandeur d’asile de 72 ans, qui a été transféré en cellule d’isolement après avoir été battu. Cet homme a ensuite été expulsé avec sa famille vers l’Iran dans les jours qui ont suivi. On rapporte qu’un demandeur d’asile qui a eu une jambe cassée n’a été soigné que dix jours après l’attaque.

Le gouvernement de Chypre comme l’UNHCR n’ont pris aucune mesure de fond à propos de ces agressions illégales à l’encontre de personnes sans défense détenues pour des raisons liées à l’immigration, se limitant à une « enquête » pour déterminer ce qui s’est passé alors que les réfugiés restent à la merci de ceux qui les ont battus.

De plus, le gouvernement chypriote, qui viole de façon flagrante les droits humains fondamentaux, espère assumer la présidence de l’Union Européenne en 2012.

Plus d’information sur cette affaire à lire ici (en anglais), dont une plainte signée de certains des demandeurs d’asile agressés.

Vidéos des blessures subies par deux demandeurs d’asile :





1) La libération immédiate des demandeurs d’asile qui ont été témoins ou victimes des brutalités policières au centre de détention de Larnaca le 12 juillet ; la reconnaissance officielle de leurs statuts de réfugiés et leur réinstallation immédiate dans un pays tiers sûr.

2) Enquête immédiate et jugement de tous les fonctionnaires et employés chypriotes qui ont participé au tabassage du 12 juillet 2011, depuis le haut jusqu’au bas de la chaîne de responsabilité.

3) Révision et examen immédiats du processus de détermination du statut de réfugié à Chypre, pendant lesquels il ne doit y avoir aucune expulsion forcées vers des pays que les gens ont fuit pour demander l’asile.

4) Arrêt immédiat de la détention de demandeurs d’asile et d’autres personnes pour des questions liées à l’immigration pour une période indéterminée, en violation avec la charte européenne des droits fondamentaux.

Un gouvernement chypriote qui viole de façon flagrante les droits humains fondamentaux ne doit pas pouvoir espérer assumer sans opposition la présidence de l’Union Européenne en 2012.

Pétition à signer à cette adresse (an anglais)

„You were 23 then, you are 9 now“: Cyprus Abuse of Human Rights Allows Continuation of Crimes against Asylum-Seekers; UNHCR, Red Cross Share Responsibility for Crimes

„You were 23 then, you are 9 now. I am going to displace another 3 of you, and I am going to make life hell for you.“ – Galou Girou, Chief of Larnaca Prison, on 5 August 2011, threatening the remaining of the asylum-seekers beaten during the 12 July police attacks in Cyprus.

August 5, 2011, Washington D.C. — On 15 July 2011, we issued a press release detailing a violent attack by prison authorities against Iranian and other refugees held for migration-related reasons in the Famagusta Detention Center in Larnaca, Cyprus.

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ICRIR: Cyprus Update: Two Assaulted Refugees Interviewed for First Time 10 Days after Police Attack; Refugees Issue Complaint against Deputy of Larnaca Detention Center

On Friday 22 July 2011, the International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees (ICRIR) received a report from the Cyprus Refugee Rights Movement (CRRM) that the Cypriot non-governmental organization KISA visited the Larnaca detention center where Iranian and other defenseless refugees had sustained a brutal attack by armed police on 12 July 2011. The visit by KISA was the first by any entity outside of the detention center since the attack had occurred 10 days previous, although the UNHCR, the EU, the International Committee of the Red Cross, KISA, the Ombudsman of Cyprus, and others had been informed within a few hours of the attack, and although one of the detained refugees had been reported as sustaining a broken leg.

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International Coalition for Rights of Iranian Refugees Calls for Protest against the Government of Cyprus‘ Attack on Unarmed Iranian Asylum-Seekers

20 July 2011, Washington, D.C. — The International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees calls for a protest action against the Cypriot authorities‘ criminal assault on defenseless Iranian asylum-seekers detained in relation to their migration status. Protest actions and pickets are already organized this weekend for Stockholm, Sweden and Washington DC, United States, with additional cities forthcoming.


On Tuesday, 12 July, 2011, approximately 35 police officers and other Cypriot authorities violently assaulted a group of Iranian refugees held in Larnaca detention center. During the attack, the Cypriot authorities threatened the refugees with handguns and used batons and brass knuckles to brutally beat the Iranian refugees, including an elderly 72-year old asylum-seeker, who was transferred to solitary confinement after the beatings. He, along with his family, was deported to Iran in the following days. One refugee is reported to have sustained a broken leg, for which he has received no medical treatment.

We do not accept the continued crimes against asylum-seekers by the Cypriot government. We call all refugee, civil, and human rights activists to demonstrate at the Embassies of the Government of Cyprus worldwide, or at travel agencies specializing in Cyprus tourism.


– We demand that all asylum-seekers attacked in Larnaca detention by the Cypriot authorities be provided urgent international assistance in being removed from this facility and transferred, with the assistance of UNHCR, to a safe third country.

– We demand immediate investigation of prison and detention conditions in Cyprus by the International Red Cross. We express particularly urgent concern regarding the medical condition of Mostafa Taghilou, whose leg is reported broken.

– We demand that the Cypriot government be held accountable immediately at level of the European Union.

Members of the ICRIR include Action for Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East, International Federation for Iranian Refugees, Iranian Refugees Action Network, Iranian Refugee Amnesty Network, and Mission Free Iran.