
Iranians we love you

New York: StandWithUs for „Durban Three-Ring Circus of Hypocrisy“ Demonstration at UN this Thursday

New York, NY – United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI)StandWithUs, and other organizations will hold a „Circus of Hypocrisy“ demonstration in front of UN headquarters on Thursday, September 22, from noon until 2 PM.

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New York: Ahmadinejad is not welcome here

UANI Unveils „Mobile“ Ahmadinejad Billboard, Moving Through Manhattan This Week


New York, NY – Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) announced the launch of a mobile billboard coinciding with Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York this week. The billboard reads „AS WE REMEMBER 9/11 TEN YEARS LATER, AL QAEDA’S SILENT PARTNER IS COMING TO NEW YORK: TAKE ACTION AT UANI.COM

The mobile billboard is attached to the bed of a truck, and will be driven through Midtown Manhattan all this week between 42nd and 50th streets, near the United Nations. It will make stops at Iran’s UN Mission, and also at the Warwick hotel, which has irresponsibly decided to host Ahmadinejad and his delegation.

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Interview with Lawyer of Javid Houtan Kian, Courageous Advocate of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani [ENG & FA]

The below is an interview conducted by HRANA with the former lawyer of Javid Houtan Kian, who courageously defended Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani against a stoning execution in Iran. For the past year, Houtan Kian has been held under severe torture as a political prisoner – because he defended his client.

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Tuesdays Until the Islamic Republic Is No More

We declare Tuesdays as a day of solidarity with the families of political prisoners, and we will continue to show solidarity with the political prisoners and their families on these days until the total and complete overthrow of the Islamic Republic in its entirety, including all its flanks and filthy cliques. On this day of the week, wherever we are, and preferably in front of the Islamic Republic embassies – these houses of terror and crime, these pits of espionage and dissemination of Islamic reactionary ideology – we will remember the political prisoners and show our solidarity and sympathy with them and their families.


We ask honorable people in Iran to go on Tuesdays, with a red rose in hand, and join the families of political prisoners outside the prison gates.

Wednesdays are days of executions. Not that the Islamic Republic doesn’t execute on other days – it does – but in any case, the Islamic headmen prefer Wednesdays for killing people. Perhaps the excitement of taking the life of a human being in the middle of a long work-week reduces the boredom. We too await the day that is coming – and it is a day that is coming very soon. This day could be tomorrow! The day of answering, the day of the peoples‘ revolutionary courts, the Court of the Bloody Decade, the court of Khavaran, the court of the Sanandaj garrisons, the Court of Ahwaz, and Anzali (1) and Ghombad (2) and Nekah (3)… the Court of all Iran and all people of Iran.

Especially now that the regime of crimes and atrocities, once again fearing that the day of answering is drawing near has raised the gallows again, our presence and solidarity with the political prisoners and their families are becoming even more important.

Tuesdays are visiting days. Not that every Tuesday the families of the prisoners get to visit their loved ones. The reality is that many families of jailed victims have queued for months or even years behind those closed iron doors without seeing their beloved. They have bowed to and bribed every pasdar and mullah and torturer and basiji, to every expert in rape, lashing, kicks and punches, and to other similar non-entities [without once seeing their beloved]. In any case, Tuesdays are the days that the families of political prisoners gather in front of the prison gates.

Our people are indebted to political prisoners. We are indebted to all of those of today and of yesterday: for being human, for thinking and wanting, for opposing the filth and crimes of the Islamic regime of stray and rabid dogs like Khomeini and Rafsanjani and Khamenei and Khalkhali and Hassani and Mousavi and Ahmadinejad. They have been beaten and broken and put under torture, and yet they continue. And Kahrizaks and Evins are filled with them. Holding Tuesdays of Solidarity, from today until the fall of the Islamic Regime, inside and outside of Iran, in front of the Embassy, side by side with the families in front of the prisons – this is but a little step towards paying the debt that we have to these, our loved ones, political prisoners and their families.

We call Tuesdays the day of solidarity with political prisoners and their families, and until we bring down the gates of Evin, until the freedom of all political prisoners, until the establishment of a government that does not tolerate the suppression of opposing ideas, until the uprooting of this rotting Islamic tumor, and until the establishment of a humane governance, on this day every week we will be a thorn in the side of the Islamic Republic.


(1: Anzali is a major port on the Caspian Sea where the Islamic Republic, in the first days after their counterrevolution, massacred impoverished fisherman who protested against the regime’s rules and regulations that ruined their livelihoods such they could not go fishing. These were very poor fishermen who worked from rowboats. The Islamic Republic opened fire on all of them with machine guns and killed many.)


(2: Ghombad is a place in Iran where Turkman people, who had created their assemblies to democratically conduct their community’s business – schools, cities, water – were attacked by the Islamic Republic. The leaders of the assemblies, who were utterly defenseless, were all arrested and executed directly.)

(3: Nekah is the city where an orphaned 16-year-old girl Atefeh Rajabi was mercilessly executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.)

Quelle missionfreeiran

Iran: 9/11 – Menschenrechte auch für Iraner – Beenden wir die Unterdrückung von 75 Millionen Iranern!


In einer Solidaritätsaktion für Gewissensgefangene im Iran, unter ihnen viele Frauenrechtsaktivistinnen, wird sich ein aus dem Iran stammender Amnesty-Aktivist vom 19. bis zum 23. September 100 Stunden öffentlich einsperren lassen. Er wird als Zeichen der Hoffnung Kraniche aus Papier falten, die nach der Aktion der iranischen Botschaft übergeben werden. Daneben wird ein AI-Zelt stehen mit Informationen zum Iran und Petitionen.Irans Gefängnisse sind überfüllt. JournalistInnen, StudentInnen, MenschenrechtsverteidigerInnen, FrauenrechtsaktivistInnen, RechtsanwältInnen, GewerkschafterInnen, Homosexuelle, „EhebrecherInnen“, Geistliche und alle, die Kritik an der Regierung üben, sind den staatlichen Repressionen ausgesetzt. Viele werden ohne Anklage in Haft genommen oder nach unfairen Verfahren mit fadenscheinigen Begründungen zu langen Gefängnisstrafen oder sogar zum Tode verurteilt. Folter, Misshandlungen, Vergewaltigungen in der Haft sind an der Tagesordnung.

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The Swedish Government Intends to Deliver Fouad Velzi to the Murderers of Farzad Kamangar

Farsi at the end…

Fouad was born in 1354 (1976) in Orumieh. This date coincides with the increase in

organizational and propagandistic activities by Kurdish opposition groups in Iran and Iraq, which were again on the rise after the defeat of the Barazanis. Fouad’s father, like many others, was in contact with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, which was asking for some national rights, including autonomy from the central government. Fouad’s father’s activities against the Islamic Republic continued for 14 years, and his profile became known in the region. Fouad also joined the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan in his early years, and as a member of its underground organization supported the logistics and supplies division for the Democratic Party until the date of his arrest.

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URGENT ACTION: Write to the European Parliament in Support of the People in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Mothers of Peace: This is a group of Kurdish mothers from Turkey who have gone out and used their bodies as human shields to block the roads so that the Turkish military cannot pass. Peace Mother Hava Kıran made a brief announcement saying, „We are blocking traffic so soldiers do not die. This action is a natural right of mothers. We closed this road so no more mothers are hurt.“

Please send an email based on this letter to the European Union to help stop the attacks on the people in Iraqi Kurdistan.


To the European Parliament:

I am writing to express my deep concern about the attacks by the Turkish government and the Islamic Republic of Iran against people in Iraqi Kurdistan, against their villages, homes, and livelihoods.

I want the European Union to pressure the government of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop their attacks immediately, and to compensate the people in Iraqi Kurdistan for the losses of lives, homes, livelihoods, and infrastructure, all of which have been destroyed in these illegal attacks.

I also want the European Union to condemn the media blackout on Iraqi Kurdistan that has been imposed by the Iraqi government. The EU should demand that the Iraqi government immediately lift all restrictions on the access of international media to the area.

[Your name]


Quelle: ICRIR

Berlin: Iran Mahnwache am 28.August 2011

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