Archiv für den Monat Juli 2011

PHOTO: Displacement within Displacement: Life for Iranian Refugees, al-Waleed Camp, Iraq

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 3. Every one has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Here lived a family. We too, like the UN, believe that human beings do not need much to live, and these things are every human being’s right: freedom, equality, security… if there is a difference, it is that we fight to assert our fundamental rights, and the UN has deliberately and actively ignored and deprived us of them for over 30 years. Here lived a family… they were displaced again.

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Iran-Mahnwache Berlin

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Blindes Säureopfer im Iran verzichtet auf Vergeltung

Ameneh Bahrami aus dem Iran, die nach dem Säure-Attentat eines Verehrers blind ist, hat ihrem Peiniger verziehen und verzichtet auf Rache.

Teheran. Sie nimmt doch keine Rache! Die nach einem Säure-Attentat eines verschmähten Verehrers entstellte Iranerin Ameneh Bahrami hat laut Webseite des staatlichen Senders IRIB auf die Bestrafung ihres Peinigers verzichtet. Die umstrittene Bestrafung nach dem „Auge-um-Auge“-Prinzip, bei der die Frau ihren Peiniger mit ätzender Flüssigkeit blenden sollte, sei für Sonntag geplant gewesen. Aber Bahrami habe in letzter Sekunde auf die Vergeltung verzichtet, hieß es in dem Bericht. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags

Al Qaeda’s Safe Haven In Iran: AEI Critical Threats Quick Take by Maseh Zarif

The Treasury Department yesterday identified six al Qaeda members as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.[1] These six terrorist operatives form anetwork that funnels money and personnel from the Gulf to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan via Iran. The head of the network, Syrian-born Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, operates from inside Iran with the full knowledge of the Iranian regime.

Al Qaeda’s presence in Iran and its operatives‘ links to the Iranian government and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were known to exist prior to this designation. In the 1990s, al Qaeda associates negotiated an agreement between Osama bin Laden and the Iranian government that allowed the transit of al Qaeda operatives through Iran into Afghanistan.[2] According to Treasury, Khalil, who represents al Qaeda in Iran, has run the current network since 2005 „under an agreement between al-Qaida and the Iranian government.“[3] The network is „the core pipeline“ for moving money and personnel from the Middle East into South Asia.[4]

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Spread the Word! Support a new documentary about the human rights situation in Iran

Internationally recognized documentary filmmaker, Pantea Bahrami, is producing a new documentary about human rights in Iran. She has put out a call asking for your support.

The goal of the documentary film – „Awaiting the Sunrise“ – is to depict the situation of Iran’s “third wave of refugees”. This film will look at the conditions that gave rise to this wave of mass departure from Iran and will shed light on the repression following Iran’s disputed 2009 presidential election.

The production will also document the difficult conditions under which the Iranian refugees in Turkey are now living. Most of them are scattered in various small towns throughout Turkey, waiting for months to be approved as refugees and sent to host countries by the UN Refugee Agency in Ankara. “Without a job, without money, without a clear destiny, they have had a very difficult life,” the film’s director notes. They are, as the documentary title suggests, still “awaiting the sunrise.”

But to realize their goal, they need your help! The documentary will be funded only if it earns a total of $10,000 through pledges by August 10, 2011. Please consider a small donation to help fund this much worthy effort!

Two Years Ago: a look back at the July 25, 2009 Global Day of Action

July 25th, 2009 marked the first Global Day of Action, during which tens of thousands of people across a hundred cities came together in solidarity with the people of Iran. In the aftermath of a brutal government crackdown following the disputed election, activists united to call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to halt state-sponsored violence, release all prisoners of conscience, and respect the inherent rights of the Iranian people.

The day received support from hundreds of prominent activists, academics, and artists, including Nobel Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jody Williams, and Shirin Ebadi. Click here to watch Desmond Tutu‘s video message and expression of support for the day and for the people of Iran. One of the day’s most notable promotional videos, “Be a Hero,” can be seen here. Among the day’s highlights was the premiere of U2′s new video, to coincide with the global day, before 80,000 people in Dublin’s Croke Park.

This first global day of support for the Iranian people had immense momentum behind it. Emotions ran high as images of students being chased by Basiji remained fresh in the world’s consciousness.

Now, only two short years after the largest show of solidarity with the Iranian people, we must continue forward with the same passion demonstrated by thousands of concerned citizens not so long ago.

Click here to see a slideshow revisiting some of the day’s amazing events!

Prisoners of Persia

List of prisoners of conscience remembered in Perian, Iowa, based on information on

حسین رونقی ملکی
Hossein Ronaghi Maleki

امیرخسرو دلیرثانی
Amir Khosrow Dalirsani

لاله حسن پور
Laleh Hassanpour

محمدصدیق کبودوند
Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand

حسین ملک پور
Hossein Malekpour

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5 türkische Soldaten bei Iranischer Militäroperation gefallen

HEWLER – Bei einem Kampf zwischen der iranischen Armee und der kurdischen PJAK Guerilla sind nach Augenzeugenberichten 5 türkische Soldaten gefallen. Ein Dorfschützer erklärte ebenfalls, er habe ihre Leichen mit eigenen Augen gesehen. Dies bestärkt den Verdacht einer direkten Beteiligung der türkischen Armee an iranischen Operationen, die Seit dem 16.07.11 andauern. Der Dorfschützer Sileyman Cahidi erklärte weiter: „Ich habe auf vier iranischen Lastwagen eine große Zahl von türkischer Kalaschnikow Munition und 120mm Artilleriegeschossen gesehen, die in das Dorf Gire Şeytan gebracht wurden. Unter der Munition befanden sich auch Mörser und viele türkische Waffen. Die Soldaten, die zur Operation ausrücken erhalten Konservennahrung aus der Türkei.“

20 Panzer aus der Türkei

300 Kommandoeinheiten der türkischen Armee wurden schon am 21. Juli über den Esendere Grenzübergang von der Türkei in den Iran gebracht. Vier Tage später überquerten 20 türkische Panzer ebenfalls den Grenzübergang Richtung Iran.
Sch Exekutivratsvorsitzende der KCK Murat Karayılan hatte schon auf die Anwesenheit türkischer Soldaten hingewiesen und erklärt: „Dies ist ein gemeinsamer Plan von der Türkei und dem I ran. Die Mehrheit der im Moment Kämpfenden sind Türken, das wissen wir sehr gut. Unter ihnen befinden sich türkische Spezialkräfte.“

Quelle: ANF, 28.7.2011, ISKU

URGENT: E-letter to UN Officials: Call on the IRI to Halt its Assault on Artists

In the last several weeks, concern has been mounting over Iran’s ongoing and systematic persecution of its own actresses, documentary filmmakers, and bloggers.

Four prominent artists were arrested, though fortunately on of July 27, 2011 it was reported two had been freed on bail. Take action and help highlight the unwarranted treatment of Iran’s artists and of anyone who shows dissent. Please take 30 seconds to send an e-letter!

Also below is a photo-essay produced by the founder of, Jahanshah Javid. During a road trip across the United States, he stopped in Persia, Iowa where he creatively honored and highlighted those unjustly detained in Iran.

Filmmaker Pantea Bahrami is also highlighting the plight of Iran’s citizens by producing a documentary addressing Iran’s human rights situation. She has put out a call to the community asking for its support. Read on to see how you can help make this film a reality!

In Solidarity,
The U4I Team

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The Latest from Iran (29 July): And Now We Bring You This Diversion….

Atiyah Abd al-Rahman (0615 GMT)1905 GMT: Oil and Politics. Even though he has not been approved as Minister of Oil by Parliament, Rustam Qassemi — Revolutionary Guards commander and head of its engineering branch, Khatam al-Anbia — has called a Saturday meeting of the Ministry’s staff and experts in the industry.

Why such a hurry? An EA correspondent mischievously notes that Qassemi is on the list of individual sanctioned by the US and says, „Trying to save his assets after yesterday’s [US Treasury] conference“ announcing further restrictions.

Or this could be the reason: a Tehran conference has noted that Qatar is taking 450,000 barrels of oil per day from the South Pars field — and Iran is taking 0.

1855 GMT: Clerical Intervention. Ayatollah Dastgheib is sharpening his attacks on the Government. He said, „They are looting nat’l income“, plundering the oil reserves, and „humiliating the people“.

Dastgheib continued, „We can’t sit silent. If the country is really Islamic, it doesn’t need so many modern weapons. Rulers should listen to people’s demands.“

In short, „Instead of importing weapons to oppress people, render your behaviour Islamic.“

1840 GMT: Get-Tough Watch. More from the Tehran Friday Prayer….

Hojatoleslam Kazim Seddiqi declared, “Arrogant powers and Iran’s enemies intend to create insecurity in the country and prevent the Islamic Republic’s development.”

Seddiqi cited last weekend’s murder of postgraduate student Daryoush Rezaienejad, who may or may not have been connected with Iran’s nuclear programme and attacks by the Kurdish insurgent group PJAK, and he noted in response Iran’s claimed expansion of its naval forces.

And what could the „development“ to which Seddiqi was referring?

President Ahmadinejad defined it last night, “The enemies of humanity cannot stand up to the willpower of truth-seekers and the Islamic Awakening of nations, which has picked up pace today.“

1830 GMT: Border Watch. An Iraqi mayor said that a 10-year-old Kurdish boy has been killed in shelling by Iranian forces of Kurdish separatist bases in north Iraq.

Mohammed Antar Zerrar was the third Iraqi killed in artillery bombardments during two weeks of clashes between the Iranian military and insurgent group PJAK.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said on Monday the fighting has displaced hundreds of villagers in the border regions of northern Iraq.

Iranian state outlet Press TV said today that PJAK killed a Basij militiaman and injured four in an attack on an Iranian army base on Wednesday.

1715 GMT: Opposition Watch. The „Green Path“ meeting of opposition activists in Paris has issued its final statement. It put forth a cautious line on the issue of boycotting the 2012 elections — „we won’t abandon our right to vote and to be elected“ — but went beyond other opposition statements in emphasising the rights of ethnic and religious minorities „as guaranteed“ in the Constitution. It said the Government must furnish them with financial means and ensure the right of assembly.“

The meeting asserted, „Our silence is a sign of protest. We adopted patience to accustom dictators to democracy and to break the dictatorship. We want to make it more easy for them to accept a defeat.“

1530 GMT: Battling Friday Prayer Messages. Ayatollah Alamolhoda, speaking in Qom today, started with a slap at the Government, „Some Government officials are not interested in dealing with the problems of society and try to divert us.“ Then he addressed the social situation, „The main problems of people are not economy and subsistence but religion!“

Not so fast, says Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: „Do not expect poor people to be religious. Society needs liberty.“

1445 GMT: Your Tehran Friday Prayer Summary. Hojaleslam Kazem Siddiqi has an All-is-Well message: „Some cases of violence are no reason to claim there is turmoil in society.“

1440 GMT: Elections Watch. Leading principlist MP Mohammad Reza Bahonar offers some advice to reformists: „You can participate [in next March’s Parliamentary elections] on condition that you define reforms and reject the Green Movenment and its leaders.“

1425 GMT: Loyalty Alert. Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi has told Egyptian clerics that Ayatollah Khamenei is a „very informed Leader„. He said, „We are not concerned about the future. We are independent of govt and can criticise it when it deviates.“

1340 GMT: Factions Watch. Deutsche Welle offers an assessment of the new political faction, the Islamic Constancy Front, launched by clerics — notably Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi — and former officials of the Ahmadinejad Government (see Thursday’s LiveBlog) to „unify“ conservatives and principlists.

1125 GMT: Reformist Watch. Speaking to student activists, former Mohammad Khatami said that history tends towards freedom and liberty.

0800 GMT: Excuse of the Day. The hard-line Raja News explains that the recent raid on the home of Ayatollah Amjad, who has been critical of the Government, was because the cleric had not paid his rent.

0700 GMT: And the Diversions Continue. In recent days, there has been an escalation of headline stories on Iranian influence in Iraq — take your pick as to whether US officials have uncovered the extent of Tehran’s infiltration, whether this is a rationale to keep the American military in Iraq beyond its announced withdrawal date, or whether this is „information“ to press the Iraqi Government to distance itself from Iran.

Anyway, The Guardian of London is not asking any questions about motives this morning. Instead, itsplashes dramatically, „Qassem Suleimani: the Iranian General ‚Secretly Running‘ Iraq“.

The support for this profile of Suleimani, the head of the al-Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, is said to be in „weeks of interviews with key officials, including those who admire him and those who fear the man like no other“. The actual evidence is sparse, such as a „senior Shia MP“ asserting:


[Suleimani] has managed to form links with every single Shia group, on every level. Last year, in the meeting in Damascus that formed the current Iraqi government, he was present at the meeting along with leaders from Syria, Turkey, Iran and Hezbollah. „He forced them all to change their mind and anoint [Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-] Maliki as leader for a second term.“


Perhaps an American used in the story is — inadvertently — closer to the mark about the game being played in reports about Suleimani and about Iran „running“ Iraq:


„He is indeed like Keyser Söze,“ said a senior US official this week – in reference to the legendary villain in the The Usual Suspects, whose ruthlessness and influence terrified everyone. „Nobody knew who he was and this guy’s the same. He is everywhere, but nowhere.“


0635 GMT: Reformist Watch. Opposition advisor Mojtaba Vahedi has praised political prisoners Mohammad Reza Nourizad and Mehdi Khazali for „bravely speaking out“ against the regime. He said that the debate over forthcoming Parliamentary elections had „tore down the wall between hardliners and reformists“.

0615 GMT: For those of you who thought Al Qa’eda was a spent force following the killing of Osama bin Laden, the US Treasury would like you to look at Iran….

On Thursday, the US Treasury found another rationale for sanctions on Tehran, declaring in a formal statement that Iran was a „critical transit point“ for Al Qa’eda funds and extremists reaching Pakistan and Afghanistan: „This network serves as the core pipeline through which al-Qaida moves money, facilitators and operatives from across the Middle East to South Asia.“

The Treasury said a branch headed by an Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil had operated with the regime’s blessing since 2005 six years. It claimed an Atiyah Abd al-Rahman had been appointed by bin Laden as al-Qaida’s envoy in Iran after serving as a commander in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The Treasury alleges that, as an emissary, al-Rahman is allowed to travel in and out of Iran with the permission of the authorities.

The announcement offered little of substance on Aziz Khalil or Abd al-Rahman yesterday beyond vague labels and biographical information. Abd al-Rahman had been named by the US State Department in 2006 as a Libyan-born operative, born in 1970, who was the „primary liaison“ to Al Qa’eda in Iran. The US offered $1 million for his capture.

US officials said in autumn 2010 that Abd al-Rahman had „relocated“ to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of northern Pakistan. There was a report, never confirmed, that he was killed in a drone attack on 7 October 2010 in Waziristan.

The US Government has argued in the past that Iran has harboured Al Qa’eda personnel, including Saad bin Laden, the eldest son of the former Al Qa’eda leader. Tehran claims that those who fled the fighting in Afghanistan after 2001 were kept under house arrest and not allowed to engage in Al Qa’eda operations.