Petition gegen die Abschiebehaft irakischer Flüchtlinge in Schweden/Please sign the petition and spread!

The Iraqi parliament has now decided to not accept forced deportations from Europe to Iraq. Despite the plea form Iraq, Sweden ignores the agreements of return previously signed, which states that no expulsions may take place by force.

This notwithstanding the criticism from the UN, Amnesty International and the EU. Since 2009, Sweden has, as one of few
european countries, forcibly deported around 1690 Iraqis. Within the recent months, white buses with covered registration plates and company logos have been used for the mass deportations of iraqis. Unfortunately, the media hasnâEUR^(TM)t covered what has happened during a forced deportation. The only documentations existing of the mass deportations
are taken by the activists who have been on site towitness and protest.


Please sign the petition and spread!*

Sign to:
– immediately release the refugees imprisoned in the Migration
BoardâEUR^(TM)s detention centers.
– demand a new trial for the Iraqi asylum seekers so that they can
obtain a residence permit.

Veröffentlicht am 30. Juli 2012 in Aktionen, Empfehlungen, Gesetze, Medien, Meinungen, Politik und mit , , , , , , , getaggt. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink. Kommentare deaktiviert für Petition gegen die Abschiebehaft irakischer Flüchtlinge in Schweden/Please sign the petition and spread!.

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