Archiv für den Tag 20. Juni 2011

The Committee to Protect Journalists – Journalists in exile 2011: Iran, Cuba drive out critics

Journalists in exile 2011: Iran, Cuba drive out critics

Two of the world’s most repressive nations each forced at least 18 journalists to flee their homes in the past year. In exile, these journalists face enormous challenges. A CPJ special report by Elisabeth Witchel.


Newly freed Cuban detainees and their families in a bus after their arrival in Madrid. Exile was the price the detainees paid for their freedom. (AP/Victor R. Caivano)

Published June 20, 2011

Nearly 70 journalists were forced into exile over the past 12 months, with more than half coming from Iran and Cuba, two of the world’s most repressive nations, a new survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists has found. Iran, which has waged a massive, two-year-long crackdown on the independent press, and Cuba, which freed journalists from prison only to force them to leave their homeland, each sent 18 journalists into exile.

„I feel unstable because there is nothing for us here,“ said Cuban reporter Victor Rolando Arroyo Carmona, 59, who served more than seven years in prison on baseless charges before being freed last September and forced into exile in Spain. There, he has experienced significant professional and economic challenges, a common experience among the 67 journalists forced into exile worldwide in the past 12 months. „We don’t even have our professional titles,“ Arroyo Carmona said. „We live in limbo.“

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Eye on Iran – 20.Juni 2011

Top Stories

NYT: „An Iranian government-owned shipping line that the United States believes is integral to Iran’s efforts to obtain banned technology for its nuclear and missile programs has illegally funneled tens of millions of dollars in financial transactions through the American banking system over the past three years, evading sanctions by cloaking itself in corporate alter egos and falsifying records, according to an indictment that the Manhattan district attorney plans to unseal on Monday. The 317-count indictment charges the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines and 15 other defendants with a conspiracy to set up shell companies in Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom to trick major clearing banks in New York, like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citibank, into sending and receiving more than $60 million worth of payments. The subterfuge was necessary, prosecutors said, because the Iranian company, also known as Irisl, needed access to United States banks to compete in a shipping industry that primarily does business in dollar denominations. American sanctions imposed in 2008 require United States banks to block and seize the proceeds from any transactions made in the names of Irisl or its known affiliates. For years, the United States has warned that the state-owned shipping line engages in deceptive practices to aid the Iranian regime in its proliferation activities. Its ships, which operate throughout the world, have been caught smuggling a virtual bazaar of weapons in violation of a United Nations arms embargo. But the grand jury indictment, the result of a 14-month investigation, represents the first time Irisl has faced criminal charges.“

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Iran: List of imprisoned journalists and bloggers – 20.Juni 2011

Even if one ignores the names lacking more recent informations, around 60 imprisoned journalists, bloggers and human rights reporters are left over, while another 77 journalists are released on bail, awaiting their sentences, or sentenced and awaiting imprisonment. Recent additions with gratitude to the list of political prisoners, compiled by @lissnup.

This list will be updated on a regular base. Any additional data by our readers are most welcome. 

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Surviving Rape in Iran’s Prisons

Surviving Rape in Iran’s Prisons

Surviving Rape in Iran's Prisons

This report documents the ordeals of five former prisoners – two women and three men – who were raped, and witnessed and were threatened with rape while imprisoned in Iranian prisons.

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Popular Iran related articles:

Reporters’ Guide for Interviewing Iranian Officials on Human Rights Issues

Reporters’ Guide for Interviewing Iranian Officials on Human Rights Issues      Download PDF of Reporters’ Guide

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has reviewed and analyzed over twenty interviews with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and prepared a guide for reporters to be used during his visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly. The Campaign has highlighted important trends on human rights issues and advisement on how to approach those issues with Ahmadinejad.

How to Interview Iranian Officials on Human Rights Issues

I. Introduction: Human Rights Under Siege in Iran
II. A Brief Summary of Major Human Rights Violations in Iran

Iran Resumee after 2 years: Killed and Detained Since 12 June 2009

Last Updated: 2 September 2009

Here is the list of those killed and detained in Iran, updated as information becomes available. The list is by no means comprehensive and does not include the great majority of people arrested at protests on the streets.

The Campaign has the names of 19 people who have been killed by government forces.

The list currently includes the names of 242 detainees, including 121 political personalities, 25 journalists, 9 professors, and 87 students. These are prominent personalities who have been detained at their homes or places of work by unidentified agents and taken to undisclosed locations. They are mostly held in incommunicado detention and have no access to legal council.

On 10 July, Tehran’s prosecutor general, said that more than 2,500 people have been detained in Tehran alone, with 500 still in detention. The Campaign believes, based on reports received from within Iran, that many more could be under arrest throughout the country. The following is a list of prominent political personalities, journalists, and students that the Campaign has received. This list does not include citizens detained during street protests.

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Punishing Stars: Systematic Discrimination and Exclusion in Iranian Higher Education

The Campaign has interviewed 27 students and conducted source research in this comprehensive report on systematic discrimination and exclusion from higher education in Iran. The report includes a list of 217 students who were barred or expelled from university based on activity on campus, political opinions, or religious belief.

Download PDF of report


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The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran Report of the Secretary-General

Download report (PDF)

United Nations A/65/370
15 September 2010
Original: English
Promotion and protection of human rights: human
rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs
and representatives


The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Report of the Secretary-General


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